Monday 31 July 2017

Part 1-9: Day 1 Caning punishment and waiting on master

In my mind.. I know.. I am in trouble!.....

How will master punish me this time! Shivers... Head looking down as if nothing happens... Locally termed act blur..

Master standing at the door: You never learn right?!?

(my mind just merely blank, waiting for the worst)

Master: FINE!! Tonight you will be sleeping in this position! This will surely make sure you remember your obedience! Stand up now!

I stood up..

Master: Dumb issit? Where is your respect!

I mustered my voice: Sorry master, yes master..

Master: Complete Sentence!

Forcing to speak (feeling of fear and depressive): sorry... ma.. ster.. Cassandra is sorry... yes ma... ster.. Cassandra obey...

Master: Fine! where is your curtsey! Where is your respect!

I immediately curtsey..

Master: You lowly slut! BETTER REMEMBER YOUR PLACE! look at the uniform, why is it so messy! and why so wet!

Immediately, the uncomfort feel of the sweaty and sticky uniform is felt... momentary reminded of the uniform..

I simply bowed my head and kept quiet.. felt so wrongfully accused..

Master continued: this uniform don't belong to you.. and you dirty it! This uniform is a reminder of your place and status! and it belong to me your master! You are really asking for it!

Master grabbed the tail end of the chain and pulled.. I felt the tug and followed him to the chair... He simply guided me to the back of the chair, pulled the chain down towards the front, guiding me to bend over the backrest, till I couldn't go further..

Then master instructed: place hands beside legs!

I obeyed..

Master: Dumb issit!

I struggled to speak: Yes master.. Cassandra obey

Master took the cable ties and tie each of the 'wrist bracelets' to the chair.. He double cable tie to ensure I cannot break free.. Next, he walked to retrieve the 'goggle blandfold' and place it on me..

Sudden DARKNESS again.. suddenly feel disoriented again!

Then, he lifted up the skirt, pulled down the panties, instructed me to lift each legs for him to remove the panties..

Then he spoke again: This clean panties...

Then he threw it to the floor. (This pair of panties was only changed awhile ago).. Then he walked to the kneeling corner, took the panties which was gagged in my mouth, the soiled panties which was, by then, well soaked in saliva.. stuffed it into my mouth.. YUCKS!!!

Master: you don't deserve cleanliness.. slut! enjoy your lowliness!

I couldn't respond..

Then, I cable tied each legs wide open to the back legs of each chair.. As my legs split opened, immediately my penis bounced forward as it was ungripped...

Opps! I remembered during our discussion before the session that re-exposing the penis or untucked penis is considered MORTAL SIN!

Immediately, master noticed it!!

Master: YOU ARE DEAD! Bonus points! 1000 punishment point! (forever to pay back already! HOW!)

In seconds, a sudden tap is felt on the bare butt with a sound: Plak!

Somehow, don't seems to feel anything.. .

Then another: Plak!

This time a slight stinging pain

PLAK!! ............. PLAK...... PLAK..... Ouch!! Felt more ttinging pain!

PLAK... PLAK..... PLAK.... PLAK...

CANING! Master was indeed caning me!

Master continued to CANE, with few seconds interval.. PLAK!! PLAK!!! PLAK!!

Feeling SORE...

My mind: When finish??

More PLAKssssssssssssssssssssssss.....

Seems not ending... By now... really painful...

Still continues... felt tears coming out..

And continues.. feels never-ending..

Until it finally stopped.. estimate maybe after 50 strokes...

Then I felt some cool sensation over the butt.. Master was applying vinegar over the butt (We during the discussion about that as vinegar naturally sterilize the canning wound if any) No pain, maybe I have not sustained any canning wounds yet, just mild cooling effect of the vinegar.

Then master applied the ointment, Zam buk, which is supposed to help in the recovery of wounds fast.. (This was done so that the butt remained minimizing the injury or for faster recovery. Hence, it was not so much for my comfort, but for me to be potentially punished more!) 

After that, master walked away.. Leaving me alone in that position.. 

Again, being alone, first thing feeling the uncomfort of the school uniform, moreover in this bended position, the uniform felt more sticky and tight and restrictive... Wiggled a little, hopefully to loosen the uniform touching my skin.. it worked but sticked back.. still uncomfortable.. 

So, I helplessly waited to be released.. 

Master was in fact airing the butt for awhile.. 

Could hear TV switched on in the background.. Then I suddenly felt the ear plugs inserted back in.. 

Faint voice of master: No rights to entertainment and to hear... 

His words could really give a depressive feeling... and a very intimidating feeling.. 

Then, I felt the release of the cable ties... I dared not move though.. Guess really have began to learn the submissive way of acting on instructions.. 

Master spoke: Stand up and put back on the panties from your mouth! 

I did accordingly.. Pulled out the YUCKY panties from my mouth.. and.... 

Master: CURTSY!!! 

I realised and remembered... I immediately curtsy.. felt unbalanced cause of the blindfold.. 

Master: Gagged does not excuse you from cutsy! More points! Put on the panties quickly! 

I responded: Yes master, Cassandra obey.. (and curtsy) 

I swiftly put back on the panties and pulled it up. Though careful not to behave too rough... And instinctively, tucked and pulled the penis back in place, painful stretch of the penis, but somehow, maybe because of the focus on the task that did not really bother with the pain.. 
Think I am really learning to just obey and act as a real submissive girl to master and to solely follow what he wants me to do that any pain and inconvenience is no longer matter.. 

The panties felt really WET! and STICKY!!! Really uncomfortable on me! In my normal life, I would never have worn such GROSSED item! I would have remove it straight if it is so wet.. 

Instead, I just stood still and waited for master's next instruction,.. 

Felt the tug on the chain again, and he pulled the chain, signalling me to follow.. I followed, no choice because of the tug of the chain round my neck.. 

I followed until he instructed: Stop! Kneel down! 

I responded: Yes master, Cassandra obey.. (and curtsy... then slowly kneel) 

Master: Good! you finally got it into your lowly behaviour! Make sure you continue to behave as a slave... which you are now! And to reward, I minus 1 point from your punishment point..

Only one point? So unfair.. get points so easily, remove points so little.. Unfairness..

Feeling of unfairness... but had to mustered the respond: Thank you master.. Cassandra is grateful..

Master: Sound happy!

I forced repeat in more lively tone: Thank you master.. Cassandra is grateful..

(Really doing well in conditioning me into this lowly state and to condition my mind!)

Master: Thats better.. now, move that head forward and suck while i watch TV and eat..

By now, master was sitting right infront of me with legs opened.. As I move forward, his hand pushed me from the back and somehow guided me to his penis.. PUNGENT as before! No time to think too much... Within seconds, mouth was well cupped into his penis and scrotums... GROSS!

I began to suck.. With the faint noise from TV heard..

Continued for minutes... breathless... and stopped sucking.. next felt a hit at the back the head!
Master: Who ask you stop! Continue..

I began sucking again...

And sucking.. and sucking..

Then, I smelled a fragrant smell of the famous local chicken rice.. Master just opened the dinner which he went out to pack to eat as dinner.. The smell was extremely heavenly... Felt my stomach immediately growled.. And instinctively stopped what I was supposed to do.. Felt lots of saliva in my mouth..

Master: Smell nice? Too bad.. Proper food is meant for normal people.. Slave is not allowed... and who say stop! Continue!

I somehow obeyed and proceed.. Trying hard not to think of the food.. and the only way was to think of the sucking.. (Really a good way to condition my mind into slavery!)

So it continues, master finished his food... placed it away, simply wiped his slightly oily hands (from the food) at the sleeves of the uniform.. so convenient.. While adding a little food oil on it.. It will surely stink!

I simply continued sucking... and he continued watching... could feel my mouth really tired.. And feels like eternity!

Finally master commanded: Stop... Time for your dinner.. wait.. you are not entitled to dinner! Time to put food in you..

Master removed the blindfold.. Sudden GLARE!

First thing I saw after the glare! His groin region and the hairs! yucks.. Mouth still engulfing master's penis and scrotums! Felt really grossed..

To be continued..
Next Part: Dinner? or is it?

Consume RAW vegetable.. BLEND! RAW! Not very energy-giving! It really felt grossed seeing the food.. much more when thinking of eating it!

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Methods: Mummification

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