That is why for any potential master/mistress, my only criteria is as long as I am made to become a school girl in full school uniform all the way, the rest is to the decision of the master. If made to choose between school uniform or any/all the others kinks, I will surely choose school uniform first..
So further my previous post, I have an ideal school uniform in mind.
But instead of going straight, I decided to elaborate more of the criteria which makes me so fetishly high about that uniform:
1. Uniform must look very complicated and neat
2. Uniform must look very girly
3. Uniform must be restrictive such that it force the wearer to behave girly
4. Uniform must be difficult to put on, or need more time to put on or undress.
Hence, the above criteria narrow down to many local girls school uniform- which are distinctive girly in nature. For example, some uniform are sleeveless which psychologically makes the wearer guard their underarms and not lift the hands up too high for fear of exposing the armpits. Which makes them behave girly. Some pictures as follows:

And by default, all girls school uniforms are skirts-based- mere skirt, pinafore or dress. Which sadly some mixed gender school has evolved the girls uniforms to skorts. And definitely, wearing skirts makes movements more restricted than pants. And one have to adopt certain posture when wearing skirt which makes behaviour more girly because to prevent exposure. For example, cannot bend the body down to pick up something from the floor, but can only bend the knees to lower the body instead.
However, the first uniform, thought look very unique, but it is extremely comfortable, in hot and humid weather. It is nicknamed a sundress which is easily worn, except for the zip at the back.
So, in order to match the criteria, what is left is those uniforms that are pinafore types. Citing previous post: 'I remembered quite fondly that during some talks in class, the girls would occasionally complaint about their school uniforms (with pinafore) being uncomfortable because it was very hot.' Remembered a girl mentioned about: imagine wearing double layer of cloth for the whole day, will surely be uncomfortable.
Also, uniforms with pinafore looks extremely complicated on the outside, because of the double layer look.
Naturally, uniforms with pinafore looks harder to put on because after wearing the blouse, the wearer has to slip the entire pinafore over the body, and that need to be adjusted and belt need to be tightened over. (This is more complicated than just simply button up a skirt)
To add on to the difficult to put on, some of this uniform need to put on metal badges, name tags and also need to wear tie on certain day. Putting on the uniform really takes time. The following uniform seems to make the mark:

But what these uniforms seems to lack are that the blouse are not buttoned up all the way on normal days except when days they need to wear tie. Buttoning up makes the wearer looks more girly and also makes it more complicated looking and restrictive looking because it looks tight around the neck.
There is one uniforms that still has this feature:

Interesting, this uniforms always appear as the top few on votes about school uniform and one polls even mentioned that the "entire attire looks stuffy to be stuck in all day." It is quite true though especially where the pinafore is zipped up to tighten up the upper torso area, and also create body-shapped look.
Sadly the only drawback about this is that the belt is integrated into the pinafore instead of the separate item. But there is still a version that the belt is still separated.
So somehow, this uniform top the list for me because:
1. It is double layer and lots of girls complaint it is stuffy to be in it
2. also the pinafore layer when zipped up tighten the whole attire making it restrictive
3. The skirt of the pinafore is also flared out making it very girly
4. the blouse is buttoned to the top which makes it more tight
5. Additional of tie will makes the tightness more the looks will be enhanced to be more complicated and neat.
6. in terms of looks, there is this white belt that makes it very unique and stand out
7. Materials are also made of those cheaper uniforms materials
Additional remarks:
This is thoughts to make the uniform more enhanced for the fantasy which i am into: Addition of:
the school blazer- which will makes it more stuffy
long sleeve blouse- which will makes it more stuffy and restrictive
Note: Above pictures are taken from google and modified as much as possible to make sure no person's privacy is violated. Should anyone is offended with the pictures or any rights violated or found out the privacy is violated, please email to The pictures will be removed accordingly.
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