While kneeling, I gently bowed down my head (as form of curtsy), and remained bowed, I stretched forward both hands with the pail, presenting to master
and said: Master, Cassandra enjoys the present master gives to his undeserving slave, Cassandra has finish the present Master gives.
And I waited for his response.
He simply took and pail and walked away..
I knew better to simply wait. still kneeling, I placed my hands back to the lap and positioned it as girly as possible and waited for Master's next bidding.

Head still remained bowed... Waiting.....
My nose suddenly caught fragrance of food.. Smell so heavenly!! Hungry, I just drooled.. My last proper meal, I guessed, was already 1 day ago...
Next, saw master brought out a packet containing food towards me.. Somehow in my fantasy I thought master was giving me food...Maybe I forgot my status..
He said: Slave... Take this packet and go prepare it on the coffee table beside the sofa for me. You can walk there... After that I want you to serve the food right to my mouth while kneeling of cause....
First thought: Disappointed.. Thats not my food... Oh ya... really forgot that as master's slave, I am not entitled to any proper food.. Only food meant for the lowbeings...
Submissively, and with protocol in mind, I stretched both hands, took the packet from master, bowed head lower,
and responded: 'Yes Master, Cassandra will prepare and serve master his food. May master enjoy his food.'
Then, carefully, bring back both hands holding the packet, while kneeling, I kneel-walked backwards few steps, bowed again, and slowly stood up and turned to walk towards the table.. Careful to walk as girly and servitude as possible...
At the table, to be safe, I prepared the packet kneeling down.. Removing the wrapped food from the packet, the smell really made me think more of food.. It smelled so enticing.. Temptation was great to just eat it myself.. But not this time... (The feeling of pain is reminding me not to do anything 'stupid')
The moment I opened up the packet, did not know that food would so good. It was rice with so many accompanying meats and vegetables.. My hunger is really working up... Once again, I forced the feeling down. (Seems like the ultimate punishment worked on me).....
Once the food was presented on the table, master was already ready sitting on the sofa waiting.
What seems like becoming a habit of behaving with protocol, I bowed and in the most gentle voice I said: Master, the food is ready, Cassandra request for permission to serve master..
Master simply answered: Proceed.
I bowed and turned to the coffee table, took the plastic spoons that comes with the package and scope the rice and turned back and bring the food to the master's mouth, careful not to drop any bit in the process. When the food comes close to Master's mouth, he simply opened his month and I gently placed the food in..
Felt really submitted here.. First time serving someone food this way and also looking at the food which I am not entitled to....
I continued this process of feeding master... of cause CAREFUL AND GENTLY...
Took quite awhile to feed him... He seems to be enjoying being served, while I feeling hungry... How I hope to at least have a taste of it...
Think my facial expression gave away to master... He said: You look like you want to eat ehh...???
My immediate reaction: Nodded my head.....
Master suddenly reacted: WHAT??!?!?!?! you are still not broken to become my slave is it???!!!
Oh no!! Why did I reacted to his trick!!
He continued: As my slave and maid, I want you to think like one, THAT MEANS..... YOU CANNOT EVEN THINK OF EATING HUMAN FOOD... YOUR MIND SHOULD ONLY THINK OF YOUR LOWLY FOOD!! And the very FACT YOU THINK of EATING WE HUMAN FOOD is WRONG!!!
Oh NO! Master's reasoning somehow made sense... I am supposed to be his slave and not even entitled to think of the far-reachable human food.. My mind should be conditioned to think only of my lowly status and the food associated with it...
I responded promptly and as girly as possible: Masterrrrr... Cassandra is sorry... Cassandra will think as master's slave... Please do not pumish Cassandra.....
Somewhat, I felt I was pleading as I do not want any punishment...
Master retorted: How dare you beg for no punishment!! Didnt you see drama of slaves before??? You are supposed to ask ME, YOUR MASTER TO PUNISH YOU FOR YOUR FAULT!!! For that! You will receive double after my lunch!!
Oh no! more punishment later... Not what I wanted.. But somehow, I know it is surely... I knew I better accept it before 'more evil befall on me'
I respond: Yes Master, Cassandra is wrong... Cassandra accept the double punishment Master will give, Cassandra thank Master for the punishment...
Master replied: You said it... Good... Now finish feeding me... And I can commence your punishement..
I replied: Yes Master, Cassandra continues feeding master....
And I proceeded to continue feeding him, hoping it will not end, cause not wanting the punishment to come so fast...
Somehow, murphy's law always work at the wrong time... feeding master felt so fast and it came to the last spoonful... and into his mouth...
Not anticipating punishment... but better submit.. So after the last mouth for master, I placed the spoon back to the packet and, still kneeling with head slightly bowed, waited for master...
Master said: Oh ya.... before your punishement, let you eat your lowly lunch first.. I want my MAID to fully enjoy her deserving punishment un-hungry... Go! to the back, take the green plastic bag! Your food is all there, bring to your corner and prepare it and eat finish the food! You have 15mins for all these... Don't make me wait long for the punishment!
I promptly replied: Yes Master, Cassendra will proceed to consume lunch.. Cassandra thank master for the lunch...
With that, I observed the protocol of bowing, slide backwards few steps before slowly rising to walk to the back...Starting to become conscious of this action esp from the word punishment...
I walked to the back and saw the bag master mentioned. I picked it up and see what was in it:
1 100ml bottle of castor oil
2 bunch of raw vegetables
2 raw carrots
and a dog bowl? Master just bought a dog bowl... Immediately guessed that it will be my bowl from now on..
and also a pair of scissors..
Not any comfort for food... Just more depressing... That is indeed lowly..
Knowing my limited time, I had not much chance to think, better bring it to my kneeling corner to prepare what I don't think I want to eat.. So I carried the bag and walked towards the kneeling corner..
Master, while still on his sofa, sitting, remarked as I walked: You should know how to prepare the food.... and better like your new bowl!! Remember to eat like a girl, you have enough PUNISHMENT...
Somehow.. the word PUNISHMENT... echoed in the ears with fear...
I stopped, observed protocol of curtsy and replied: Yes master, Cassandra will prepare the food. Cassandra like the new bowl master gives, Cassandra thank master for the new bowl..
Somehow felt like I was lying.. but I knew that was the safe answer..
Master simply replied: Make sure you pour all the castor oil.... Proceed...
I replied: Yes Master... Cassandra will pour all the castor oil..
Then I again protocol-ly curtsy and continued towards the corner... Kneeled down... Took out the bowl and scissors... Out the vegetable and cut it using the scissors into the bowl, then the carrot into slices.. After that poured the dreaded CASTOR OIL in...
The mix really look un-appetizing..
Master immediated ordered once I finished preparing: Eat with only the fingers.. And you have 10 mins left.. Remember your chewing rule...
The chew will definitely be terrible with the CASTOR OIL!
I knew very well to obey.. and replied: Yes Master, Cassandra thank master for the reminder...
Then I proceeded as instructed using my fingers to pick some of that mix up... (Mind reluctantly), yet outside behave like I enjoyed... And in the first mouthful! YUCK!!!
Again, the press down effect (fresh punishment syndrome) and force chew in as girly manner... Really like eternity... And finally swallow...
More to come... Struggled the 2nd mouthful.... then 3rd.... really terrible food... Can I really finish this?? Really a struggle......
Finally, last mouthful.... by now, my fingers are soaked with the castor oil. Smells terrible... Finished up the last mouthful... Meals has never been so torturous before..
Somehow, master knew I just finished the meal and he came with a small 45cl glass of transparent liquid.. As he closes in, could smell it! It was vinegar!
Then he instructed: take it, pour in the mouth to gargle it until i say stop, DO NOT SWALLOW, and pour back the content to the glass.. if the content is less then orginal, you will GET IT!!
I did the required protocol of bowing and submissively replied: Yes master, Cassandra receive the glass. Cassandra will gargle as instructed by Master..
Thereafter, I meekly stretched out both hands and received the glass, gently bring it back to the mouth.. The sour smell was really strong!! Bearing it and trying hard to hide, I quickly emptied the content in the mouth!
Master saw the reaction... He commented: YOU DON'T LIKE WHAT MASTER GIVE??
With the sour vinegar in my mouth, I couldn't speak... fearing the wrath of master, i hastily shake my head...
Master continued: Don't worry, you will learn to like it... This VINEGAR MOUTHWASH will be your ROUTINE... To clean that slutty mouth.... Of cause not for you.. you lowly being who don't deserve hygiene... Clean it so you can be serve your master with clean mouth!
With the vinegar still in my mouth.. and somehow conditioned... I responded nodding my head... submitting to his words... Keep gargling the sour substance in the mouth, and carefully not to swallow..
Master promplty said: STOP..
I held the glass before the mouth and carefully spit back the content.. It looked frothy and gross after it mixed with my saliva..
Master then instruct: Put the back in and gargle again!
Conditioned from pain, I obeyed... This time pouring the content in felt really grossed and somehow with reluctance, although I still did it...
Master continued: Get used to it girl! and you just forgot your protocol!
Oh no! I forgot to respond to master's instruction with the protocol and response!!
Master continued saying: Nevermind... you have too much punishment waiting for you already... I give you chance,.... Keep this content longer.... and you will do this over 5 more times... Instead of my intention of only 3 times...
Somehow, I felt grateful for the reduced punishment.. Think I am wearing into slavery already... I eagerly nodded, still gargling...
Until master said stop... I poured it out... This time looking milky.. more gross.. Master then instructed: Ok! Again!
This time, I followed protocol, bowed, responded and acted only after that..
The feel of re-'drinking' it was really terrible... Though in my mind, I somehow was more focused on submission to instructions.. Though the feeling was still prevalent enough...
As promised by master.. this process was repeated up to 5 times.. Each time, the liquid content looked worst.. until the final mouth rinse... Finally could end..
With the content still in my mouth... eagerly anticipating the 'STOP' word.... I waited...
But instead master instructed: Swallow now!
What?? swallow this gross thing in??
No choice!! Scared, fearful... I obeyed.. forced swallow it... Yuck YUCK YUCK!!!
Then master said: Now now now... mouth is clean enough for me... Time to lick clean my feet...
Oh no!! more yucks...
To be continued...
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