My Fantasy- Being 24/7 sissy school girl maid
For many years, my fantasy has developed to have a 24/7 session of being forced into a sissy school girl slave(maid).. for few days .. under the charge of the master/mistress.. The entire blog is a storyline
Sunday, 9 May 2021
Methods: Mummification
Friday, 19 February 2021
2 year contract- live-in girl maid for master.... Auction Party....
Its roughly about 3-4 months into my contract with master.. I have sort of lost track of the dates because I am not allowed assess to such as a slave... I can only guess that I am about this time into my slavery.. Well, if my guess is correct, I should have another 21-22 more months to go until the end of contract... Seems like still a long way...
Well.. by now, I have more all less been broken and conditioned to become the sissy-slave-maid of the household.. With master's training and punishment, I have more or less behave girly as part of me already.. Mindset has already more or less forget what life is like as a vanilla being, but been well conditioned of a slave-mindedness within me... All thanks to master's credit...
Today is Sunday... figured out within my lowly slave mind by the fact master is not working today.. Master is having his morning breakfast, and being his slave, as usual, is kneeling by his side waiting on him and waiting for any instructions. I am really hoping for master to grant his slave an off-day today, as mentioned in the contract... It is really the only 'joy' a lowly slave like me can look forward for.....
So far, think master has only grant me 2 off days since the start of my slavery to the household.. Afterall, as stated om the contract:Off can easily be taken away if master requires my service for the day. Or if that week, master finds my performance not acceptable, he will not give the off days. With that day used to finish up the backlog chores.
(More details on slave off days can be found on the entry: 2 year contract- live-in girl maid for master.... typical day- Part 1)
Today, I am exceptionally excited for the much longed off days. All the more really thought master will finally grant especially after hearing master's sweeping statement yesterday night that I am finally chasing up on the chores...
From the past experience, he will usually grant me the off day while breakfast....
So... here the lowly slave is, kneeling down, outside appearing well behaved girl, but inside, full of excitement for master to break the news.... Soo... exciting !!!!!!!
Master finally speaks.....: (within me full of excitment!!) Today.... I am going to have a party.... so you are to prepare the party and serve in the party... Clear of your task???!!??
My heart literally sank with disappointment. ... But still, as slave, have to obey... no more off :(.....
I replied and responds in submission accordingly to his instructions. (heart sank...)
Then master instructed: Make sure my living room is in order for the guest today.. You will be serving them all well today. They are coming at 5pm, you must be in your best serving behaviour! Am I clear!
I responded as what was required of me...
He added: Also, get the ADMIN uniform washed, starched and IRONED before the event! Hang it at the living room as a presentation .....
Puzzled... but i have to submit accordingly..
Upon released for work after master’s breakfast, I returned to the quarters, bring down the admin uniform to wash as instructed.. while washing (manual hand wash of course), my mind have full of thoughts...
First, keep thinking of the disappoint of no off day.. other hand wonder what master wants to do with the uniform. A school uniform, for the party.. clueless... but another hand glad also that the uniform is finally washed after wearing it every night for 3 weeks... so quite excited that the slave can wear clean uniform to sleep, which again is a super luxury for a slave like me..
Sidetrack washing of admin uniform
Yes, despite master’s need for me to be clean for him, but that is done for the master’s interest solely. That is why the prescribed maid uniform have to be washed, starched, ironed and perfumed daily. Because that’s the uniform I wear to serve him, and touching his precious furnitures and belongings..
But for the admin uniform, it is mostly worn when I am in the quarters or sleeping, rarely when in close contact with master. And as slave, understandably, the baseline is that ‘personal hygiene is non existent (note the word personal).
So, this set of uniforms, will keep getting soaked from the sweat I sleep in for the night owing to the poor ventilation in the room, plus all the ‘deposits’ I receive (masters do spit saliva at me occasionally) and every other ‘soils’.. though I have gown accustomed to the uncomfort of rewearing ever increasingly dirty, sweat soaked smelly uniform, I will definitely be appreciate a newly washed uniform..
And I am only allowed, rather instructed to wash once a month when master really finds the smell too repelling to him.
And today, master instructed me to wash the uniform, is it him being in good mood today? Wanting to reward me? For my chores finally ‘catching up’ to quote him..
and the party?? Is it also to celebrate for me???
I have indeed think too much.. which I will eventually found out later... a huge fall from such super high hopes.. especially for a slave...
Back to work, finish washing the uniforms, with the tight sports bra and school socks, squeezed really dry, then hang up to dry. Then I proceed to prepare the living room for the guests.
Master is expecting 20 - 30 people, so I even brought up extra chairs from the storage. Placing the chairs around a short round table in the center of the room. No sure what kind of party this it.
Next, I went to the kitchen preparing the glasses for the drinks and the necessary table wares for the guest. Master likes things to be very clean, though washed before, master requires that the tableware be washed again right before serving.
At about 4pm, the door bell rings, it is the food delivery. I went to the door to receive the food delivery as instructed. And as protocol, greeted the food delivery man with proper slaves greeting with a curtsy. Usually the receiver of this greetings, being outsiders are taken aback but such highly respected greetings, more so in today's world where people are mostly rude to each other. And ya, rude is not in the dictionary of a lowly slave like me.
Washing up in preparation for party
I took the food into the living room and opened the individual packaging to put them onto common plates for the guest to take portions from. As usual, the fragrance of normal people food really cause my stomach to act up.. but wait... the instinct built in by master through painful and long punishments for sinking my teeth onto any of such normal people food, immediately, my mind registered, FORBIDDEN, if not PAIN... No more thinking of eating such normal food!! Master is really good at training his slave..
When the preparation is almost ready, Master instructed me to go wash up.... to shower... Shower?? Thats a rare privilege! The last time I was allowed was like 2 weeks ago, and as part of the contract, I am only allowed that privilege only maximum once a month. Other than that, I am only allowed a wetted cloth to wipe clean at night..
From this short experience as slave, the only time master allow me to wash up was only that he wants me to be in close contact with him, or that he really finds that I am too smelly...
So, this really intrigued me, what is this party about? Really to celebrate something for me?? Hopes somewhat builds up higher.. Stupid slave I am!! Which I later find out that this higher hopes will mean that I am falling further when the real reason of the party comes...
But somehow, at this point, that is did not cross my mind, maybe I haven't fully adopted a full slave mindset yet, still thinking that I can have a party celebration.. Forgetting there is no such thing as enjoyment for slaves.. This, which I will later learn during the party, the hope-dashed-way and painful with disappointed way.
Anyway, I proceed to wash up as instructed, though only given 5mins, it felt really good to be washed by running water though. As usual, after washing, was allowed to change into a clean set of panties, though wearing back the maid uniform (which is already daily washed over the night before I sleep). I felt clean though, really a luxurious feeling... Its rare I can feel this clean, for a slave.....
Arrival of the guests
Then, the door bell rings again. It looks like the guest. As per direction, I went to get the door. Yes, the first guest has arrived. Being thought and trained well in greeting guests, I immediately kneeled down to great master's esteemed guest, with utmost respect in the most feminine manner. He was clearly impressed.
By there, master is also at the door greeting his friend. So his friend's name is Johnny.
Johnny remarked: So this is your masterpiece here (pointing at me, still kneeling) the sissy household maid of yours.... hahaha... your really train well har!!!...
Master chuckles...
Johnny continues: So she is also the school girl of yours right? Which we are here for?
Master laughs again: Yes yes of cause... you will enjoy the auction!! For the school girl.. Today most of you have school girl fantasy.... so hope you prepared enough dough to win your bid... hahahahaha..
With that, both gentleman walks into the living room, with me submissively following behind, and waiting on them. Then I served drinks to the first guest as he talks with master..
So, think finally got some idea? Is this a party to introduce me as master's school girl to his friend, that now a link to the school uniforms? What bid is he talking about?? I am still confused..... Yet, I know better not to ask master about this event, this is not what a slave should know as well:
Slave is not allowed or have no rights to know about any activities in the master's houshold, must more have zero rights to even ask about the activities.
So more guests gradually arrive... The living room suddenly become so lively.!! Somewhat reminded me of my vanilla days.... Wait wait, not to get carried away... I remined myself of my status now... and continue to do my task...
Continue greeting, serving and waiting on the guest...
And at the right atmosphere. Master, as the host announce: As we are here for the AUCTION party!! And keeping with the promised theme! School girl auction! My sissy maid here will be changed into the girl uniform in front of us before we start the auction!!
Then he turned towards me, me still holding on to the serving tray with glasses of drink, and instructed: Cassendra! Come to the center and change into the school uniform now!
Instinctively I curtsy, and responded with the prescribed protocol and obeyed accordingly.
I girly-ly and meekly moved to the center of the living room, as instructed and undressed in front of the crowd removing the blouse, bra, skirt then heels in front of eceryone! I really felt so shy and embarassed. Yes... I may have already been used to be made to undress whenever the master calls for and instructed. But usually it was done in his room only with him around. This time, so many people watching me!! Really felt embarrassed and uncomfortable about it...
But still, I have learnt to obey by instructions with joy from the outside, though the inside is different.
After undressing, I quickly dressed into the school uniform, as per prescribed sequence by the master. a plain but tight sports bra, then the buttoned up blouse, pinafore, socks and lastly plain white school canvas shoes.
The moment I was dressed up, I stood right at the center in girly and meek posture waiting for master's instruction.
There, hearing alot of camera clicks..Atmosphere somehow was some how excited and the guests are taking photos of me.. The invited guest happen to be from a group who have uniform fetish and fantasy. I stood there obediently, feeling so vulnerable, and still, for while the crowd was in excitement. Until master gives the next instruction.
Tuesday, 16 February 2021
2 year contract- live-in girl maid for master.... typical day- Part 2
Back to the routine
Morning wake-up. & preparation for the day.
As a slave, I am not allowed any alarm clock or time device in my quarters. I can only estimate the sleep such that I wake up on time. Master has trained me well to inbuilt this biological clock inside from the super training punishments on me. I guessed it has been at least 4-6 weeks since I have overslept.
Problem I have nowadays are more of unknowingly waking up early to start the day. Master is not bothered by this problem though, as long as I don't go back to sleep halfway into my routine. Just last week there was a day only slept barely 1 hours, thinking it was waking up time, I proceeded with the morning admin routine, morning duties before master wakes up, thereafter waited by his bed side for few hours for his alarm to ring. Guess this bio clock is still in the midst of fine-tuning.
So back to the morning routine...
Moment I wakes up, I have to immediately get to work on my admin duties. Unlike the vanilla lifestyle, where first thing after waking up is to wash up. As slave, I do not have such rights. What was allowed was a simple rinse of my mouth and a potty given for me to pee into. Oh yes, did I mention, I have been trained and conditioned to a strict regime of timing to pee as well.
So, immediately my first admin task. I have to first to prepare the maid uniform for wear. By now the uniform should have been dried. There, while hanging, I have to paint a thick layer of starch mixture, prepared with traditional starch and water on the uniform so it will be extremely crisp after ironing. After application, I have iron both the blouse and the skirt. With the aid of the starch that hardens with the ironing, the end result is a hardened yet very neat looking piece of garment. Or yes, after ironing, I have to thinly spray master's favourite perfume, smells very girly type onto the uniform as part of the preparation process. Then the uniform is ready for wear.
Thereafter, I changed out of the admin uniform and into the maid uniform for the day. This uniform is fully prescribed and designed by master for his visual preference and pleasure.
The pieces of the uniform comprise of
a black padded bra, which master believes it enhance the looks on the boobs.
Tight fitting long sleeve white blouse to be buttoned all the way up the neck. With a black ribbon. A black outer vest over the blouse.
Tight fitting kneel-length pencil skirt without slit to limit my stride
And a 7 inches high stilettos heels to complete the whole uniform.
(Below pictures are closest pictures found online to help visual the looks of the uniform)
On top of that, whenever I am doing chores, I have to be wearing the prescribed headdress and apron. (Below pictures are closest pictures found online to help visual the looks). So, as usual, first thing I have to put on these accessories in the morning because I will immediately be doing chores. I will only be allowed not wearing apron only when serving in parties or whenever the masters demands.
Like every morning, the moment the uniform is put on with the accessories, the first feel is restricted movement and stuffy.. But to a slave, I have been brainwashed that this is normal feeling.
Monday, 15 February 2021
2 year contract- live-in girl maid for master.... typical day- Part 1
Thursday, 11 June 2020
Opinion: which school uniform
That is why for any potential master/mistress, my only criteria is as long as I am made to become a school girl in full school uniform all the way, the rest is to the decision of the master. If made to choose between school uniform or any/all the others kinks, I will surely choose school uniform first..
So further my previous post, I have an ideal school uniform in mind.
But instead of going straight, I decided to elaborate more of the criteria which makes me so fetishly high about that uniform:
1. Uniform must look very complicated and neat
2. Uniform must look very girly
3. Uniform must be restrictive such that it force the wearer to behave girly
4. Uniform must be difficult to put on, or need more time to put on or undress.
Hence, the above criteria narrow down to many local girls school uniform- which are distinctive girly in nature. For example, some uniform are sleeveless which psychologically makes the wearer guard their underarms and not lift the hands up too high for fear of exposing the armpits. Which makes them behave girly. Some pictures as follows:

And by default, all girls school uniforms are skirts-based- mere skirt, pinafore or dress. Which sadly some mixed gender school has evolved the girls uniforms to skorts. And definitely, wearing skirts makes movements more restricted than pants. And one have to adopt certain posture when wearing skirt which makes behaviour more girly because to prevent exposure. For example, cannot bend the body down to pick up something from the floor, but can only bend the knees to lower the body instead.
However, the first uniform, thought look very unique, but it is extremely comfortable, in hot and humid weather. It is nicknamed a sundress which is easily worn, except for the zip at the back.
So, in order to match the criteria, what is left is those uniforms that are pinafore types. Citing previous post: 'I remembered quite fondly that during some talks in class, the girls would occasionally complaint about their school uniforms (with pinafore) being uncomfortable because it was very hot.' Remembered a girl mentioned about: imagine wearing double layer of cloth for the whole day, will surely be uncomfortable.
Also, uniforms with pinafore looks extremely complicated on the outside, because of the double layer look.
Naturally, uniforms with pinafore looks harder to put on because after wearing the blouse, the wearer has to slip the entire pinafore over the body, and that need to be adjusted and belt need to be tightened over. (This is more complicated than just simply button up a skirt)
To add on to the difficult to put on, some of this uniform need to put on metal badges, name tags and also need to wear tie on certain day. Putting on the uniform really takes time. The following uniform seems to make the mark:

But what these uniforms seems to lack are that the blouse are not buttoned up all the way on normal days except when days they need to wear tie. Buttoning up makes the wearer looks more girly and also makes it more complicated looking and restrictive looking because it looks tight around the neck.
There is one uniforms that still has this feature:

Interesting, this uniforms always appear as the top few on votes about school uniform and one polls even mentioned that the "entire attire looks stuffy to be stuck in all day." It is quite true though especially where the pinafore is zipped up to tighten up the upper torso area, and also create body-shapped look.
Sadly the only drawback about this is that the belt is integrated into the pinafore instead of the separate item. But there is still a version that the belt is still separated.
So somehow, this uniform top the list for me because:
1. It is double layer and lots of girls complaint it is stuffy to be in it
2. also the pinafore layer when zipped up tighten the whole attire making it restrictive
3. The skirt of the pinafore is also flared out making it very girly
4. the blouse is buttoned to the top which makes it more tight
5. Additional of tie will makes the tightness more the looks will be enhanced to be more complicated and neat.
6. in terms of looks, there is this white belt that makes it very unique and stand out
7. Materials are also made of those cheaper uniforms materials
Additional remarks:
This is thoughts to make the uniform more enhanced for the fantasy which i am into: Addition of:
the school blazer- which will makes it more stuffy
long sleeve blouse- which will makes it more stuffy and restrictive
Note: Above pictures are taken from google and modified as much as possible to make sure no person's privacy is violated. Should anyone is offended with the pictures or any rights violated or found out the privacy is violated, please email to The pictures will be removed accordingly.
Opinion: Why school uniform over other fetish clothing
Methods: Mummification
Mummification Equipment Cling wrap Cable tie 1-2 Short length of PVC hose as feeding and breathing tube.. about 10-15 cm is ideal...
School uniform is my number 1 fetish and everything really revolves around this. Notice in the entire storyline, the uniform is mentioned mo...
Its roughly about 3-4 months into my contract with master.. I have sort of lost track of the dates because I am not allowed assess to such ...
School uniform seems to be the top few fetish clothing to many man. One survey of 209 on Japanese men showed school uniforms talking 1st an...