Its roughly about 3-4 months into my contract with master.. I have sort of lost track of the dates because I am not allowed assess to such as a slave... I can only guess that I am about this time into my slavery.. Well, if my guess is correct, I should have another 21-22 more months to go until the end of contract... Seems like still a long way...
Well.. by now, I have more all less been broken and conditioned to become the sissy-slave-maid of the household.. With master's training and punishment, I have more or less behave girly as part of me already.. Mindset has already more or less forget what life is like as a vanilla being, but been well conditioned of a slave-mindedness within me... All thanks to master's credit...
Today is Sunday... figured out within my lowly slave mind by the fact master is not working today.. Master is having his morning breakfast, and being his slave, as usual, is kneeling by his side waiting on him and waiting for any instructions. I am really hoping for master to grant his slave an off-day today, as mentioned in the contract... It is really the only 'joy' a lowly slave like me can look forward for.....
So far, think master has only grant me 2 off days since the start of my slavery to the household.. Afterall, as stated om the contract:Off can easily be taken away if master requires my service for the day. Or if that week, master finds my performance not acceptable, he will not give the off days. With that day used to finish up the backlog chores.
So far, I spend most of the past weekends struggling to chase up the backlog chores, only to keep accumulating each day... As we know, housework is never ending, more so for master who wants his house to be in tip-top conditions at all times.
(More details on slave off days can be found on the entry: 2 year contract- live-in girl maid for master.... typical day- Part 1)
Today, I am exceptionally excited for the much longed off days. All the more really thought master will finally grant especially after hearing master's sweeping statement yesterday night that I am finally chasing up on the chores...
From the past experience, he will usually grant me the off day while breakfast....
So... here the lowly slave is, kneeling down, outside appearing well behaved girl, but inside, full of excitement for master to break the news.... Soo... exciting !!!!!!!
Master finally speaks.....: (within me full of excitment!!) Today.... I am going to have a party.... so you are to prepare the party and serve in the party... Clear of your task???!!??
My heart literally sank with disappointment. ... But still, as slave, have to obey... no more off :(.....
I replied and responds in submission accordingly to his instructions. (heart sank...)
Then master instructed: Make sure my living room is in order for the guest today.. You will be serving them all well today. They are coming at 5pm, you must be in your best serving behaviour! Am I clear!
I responded as what was required of me...
He added: Also, get the ADMIN uniform washed, starched and IRONED before the event! Hang it at the living room as a presentation .....
Puzzled... but i have to submit accordingly..
Upon released for work after master’s breakfast, I returned to the quarters, bring down the admin uniform to wash as instructed.. while washing (manual hand wash of course), my mind have full of thoughts...
First, keep thinking of the disappoint of no off day.. other hand wonder what master wants to do with the uniform. A school uniform, for the party.. clueless... but another hand glad also that the uniform is finally washed after wearing it every night for 3 weeks... so quite excited that the slave can wear clean uniform to sleep, which again is a super luxury for a slave like me..
Sidetrack washing of admin uniform
Yes, despite master’s need for me to be clean for him, but that is done for the master’s interest solely. That is why the prescribed maid uniform have to be washed, starched, ironed and perfumed daily. Because that’s the uniform I wear to serve him, and touching his precious furnitures and belongings..
But for the admin uniform, it is mostly worn when I am in the quarters or sleeping, rarely when in close contact with master. And as slave, understandably, the baseline is that ‘personal hygiene is non existent (note the word personal).
So, this set of uniforms, will keep getting soaked from the sweat I sleep in for the night owing to the poor ventilation in the room, plus all the ‘deposits’ I receive (masters do spit saliva at me occasionally) and every other ‘soils’.. though I have gown accustomed to the uncomfort of rewearing ever increasingly dirty, sweat soaked smelly uniform, I will definitely be appreciate a newly washed uniform..
And I am only allowed, rather instructed to wash once a month when master really finds the smell too repelling to him.
And today, master instructed me to wash the uniform, is it him being in good mood today? Wanting to reward me? For my chores finally ‘catching up’ to quote him..
and the party?? Is it also to celebrate for me???
I have indeed think too much.. which I will eventually found out later... a huge fall from such super high hopes.. especially for a slave...
Back to work, finish washing the uniforms, with the tight sports bra and school socks, squeezed really dry, then hang up to dry. Then I proceed to prepare the living room for the guests.
Master is expecting 20 - 30 people, so I even brought up extra chairs from the storage. Placing the chairs around a short round table in the center of the room. No sure what kind of party this it.
Next, I went to the kitchen preparing the glasses for the drinks and the necessary table wares for the guest. Master likes things to be very clean, though washed before, master requires that the tableware be washed again right before serving.
At about 4pm, the door bell rings, it is the food delivery. I went to the door to receive the food delivery as instructed. And as protocol, greeted the food delivery man with proper slaves greeting with a curtsy. Usually the receiver of this greetings, being outsiders are taken aback but such highly respected greetings, more so in today's world where people are mostly rude to each other. And ya, rude is not in the dictionary of a lowly slave like me.
Washing up in preparation for party
I took the food into the living room and opened the individual packaging to put them onto common plates for the guest to take portions from. As usual, the fragrance of normal people food really cause my stomach to act up.. but wait... the instinct built in by master through painful and long punishments for sinking my teeth onto any of such normal people food, immediately, my mind registered, FORBIDDEN, if not PAIN... No more thinking of eating such normal food!! Master is really good at training his slave..
When the preparation is almost ready, Master instructed me to go wash up.... to shower... Shower?? Thats a rare privilege! The last time I was allowed was like 2 weeks ago, and as part of the contract, I am only allowed that privilege only maximum once a month. Other than that, I am only allowed a wetted cloth to wipe clean at night..
From this short experience as slave, the only time master allow me to wash up was only that he wants me to be in close contact with him, or that he really finds that I am too smelly...
So, this really intrigued me, what is this party about? Really to celebrate something for me?? Hopes somewhat builds up higher.. Stupid slave I am!! Which I later find out that this higher hopes will mean that I am falling further when the real reason of the party comes...
But somehow, at this point, that is did not cross my mind, maybe I haven't fully adopted a full slave mindset yet, still thinking that I can have a party celebration.. Forgetting there is no such thing as enjoyment for slaves.. This, which I will later learn during the party, the hope-dashed-way and painful with disappointed way.
Anyway, I proceed to wash up as instructed, though only given 5mins, it felt really good to be washed by running water though. As usual, after washing, was allowed to change into a clean set of panties, though wearing back the maid uniform (which is already daily washed over the night before I sleep). I felt clean though, really a luxurious feeling... Its rare I can feel this clean, for a slave.....
Arrival of the guests
Then, the door bell rings again. It looks like the guest. As per direction, I went to get the door. Yes, the first guest has arrived. Being thought and trained well in greeting guests, I immediately kneeled down to great master's esteemed guest, with utmost respect in the most feminine manner. He was clearly impressed.
By there, master is also at the door greeting his friend. So his friend's name is Johnny.
Johnny remarked: So this is your masterpiece here (pointing at me, still kneeling) the sissy household maid of yours.... hahaha... your really train well har!!!...
Master chuckles...
Johnny continues: So she is also the school girl of yours right? Which we are here for?
Master laughs again: Yes yes of cause... you will enjoy the auction!! For the school girl.. Today most of you have school girl fantasy.... so hope you prepared enough dough to win your bid... hahahahaha..
With that, both gentleman walks into the living room, with me submissively following behind, and waiting on them. Then I served drinks to the first guest as he talks with master..
So, think finally got some idea? Is this a party to introduce me as master's school girl to his friend, that now a link to the school uniforms? What bid is he talking about?? I am still confused..... Yet, I know better not to ask master about this event, this is not what a slave should know as well:
Slave is not allowed or have no rights to know about any activities in the master's houshold, must more have zero rights to even ask about the activities.
So more guests gradually arrive... The living room suddenly become so lively.!! Somewhat reminded me of my vanilla days.... Wait wait, not to get carried away... I remined myself of my status now... and continue to do my task...
Continue greeting, serving and waiting on the guest...
And at the right atmosphere. Master, as the host announce: As we are here for the AUCTION party!! And keeping with the promised theme! School girl auction! My sissy maid here will be changed into the girl uniform in front of us before we start the auction!!

Then he turned towards me, me still holding on to the serving tray with glasses of drink, and instructed: Cassendra! Come to the center and change into the school uniform now!
Instinctively I curtsy, and responded with the prescribed protocol and obeyed accordingly.
I girly-ly and meekly moved to the center of the living room, as instructed and undressed in front of the crowd removing the blouse, bra, skirt then heels in front of eceryone! I really felt so shy and embarassed. Yes... I may have already been used to be made to undress whenever the master calls for and instructed. But usually it was done in his room only with him around. This time, so many people watching me!! Really felt embarrassed and uncomfortable about it...
But still, I have learnt to obey by instructions with joy from the outside, though the inside is different.
After undressing, I quickly dressed into the school uniform, as per prescribed sequence by the master. a plain but tight sports bra, then the buttoned up blouse, pinafore, socks and lastly plain white school canvas shoes.
The moment I was dressed up, I stood right at the center in girly and meek posture waiting for master's instruction.
There, hearing alot of camera clicks..Atmosphere somehow was some how excited and the guests are taking photos of me.. The invited guest happen to be from a group who have uniform fetish and fantasy. I stood there obediently, feeling so vulnerable, and still, for while the crowd was in excitement. Until master gives the next instruction.
When the crowd finally settled down, master instructed: LITTLE GIRL... go kneel on top of the table at the center... We want to begin our auction!..
Confused, but just obeyed accordingly.... And kneeled on the table... like a display for the crowd....
Master than continued: Today... We will auction this little sissy for the various enjoyment of you all, provided you win the individual bid.. The proceeds of the bid goes into my pocket.. hahaha... (the crowds laughed along)
(But... When i heard it, chilled went down me... felt so scared.. and reality seeped in... this party is using me for enjoyment... feel very awkward... hopes crushed... very uncomfortable with the idea.... But I knew better than to argue or retaliate, I could only helplessly knee still there... for my fate.... )
Master continuing: And for the bidder's benefit... Today's bid menu is:
" Enema the slut"
( My mind: phew... not so bad, been enema many times)
" Sissy blow job... 5 winners here... "
(claps heard.. This felt weird... I've never touched another's man thing before, except master's which I have grown accustomed to.... In my vanilla life, I really lived a straight life, never before touched another man's thing until I became master's slave... Even that, at the beginning, it took alot of forcing and conditioning from the master before I was finally used touching him as my new lifestyle..... Now master is selling me to touch 3 others?? I am not prepared... So far, I have only come to accept touching only master's dick......... I wanted to REACT.... and instinct REACTED:
I reacted instinctively: But master.....
Master slapped me immediately: "SHUT UP SLUT!! AND WHO TEACH YOU TO SPEAK WITHOUT PROTOCOL!!!.... You will get PUNISHED for this later!!! "
(some claps heard)
Helplessly, I submitted meekly.... Master continues his menu...:
" PENETRATE THE SISSY...... only 1 bid for this..... bid your best... friends...
(Commotion heard... excitement in the crowd.... This is really crazy.... I have not been penetrated before by any dick, not even master...For the contract, during the discussion before I signed, I shared I was not ready to be penetrated by him... So Master in his graciousness allowed in the contract that he will only start penetrating me after 3 months.... Oh no... now is now past 3 months!!! And now he is selling my 'ANAL VIRGIN' away!! ... I feel helpless!!! And more helpless any reaction... or argue could result something worst.... I could only kneel helpless awaiting my fate... though within me feeling as if I am going to be executed kind of feeling.... )
Master continues: And yes... This sissy is still a VIRGIN....
When commotion dies... Master contines: Last... The best MENU...... SPEND THE NIGHT WITH THE SISSY and FREE PLAY!!! Of COURSE.. you have to rent my guest room too!!
(More commotions..... What?? I will be sold for a night?? I felt WORST... EACH name of bid really sank me deeper emotionally... But could only be helplessly kneeling down like a statue, in bast behavior on the outside; storms inside....... )
Master (with new excitements) DECLARES: the starters!!... For enema, I will call the bid, the winner will have the honour to enema the girl.. .... haha... you know... to prep her to for …penetration... haha....
Master turns to me and continue: And for you, you are to hold on to as long to the enema as possible! If you release before 3 minutes... We will PUNISH you more!! Clear!
I could only responded as master allowed... which was a yes... of course in his prescribed manner, and not just a word 'yes'.
Master turns back to the crowd: Ok... lets start bidding... open bid anyone... just shout......
Voice 1: $50 for me..
Voice 2: 60!!!
Voice 3: 70!!
Then silence.... 1 seconds... 2 seconds..... 3 seconds... .. 10 seconds....
Master voice: no more?? ...... ....... Ok...... 70 for enema.... to James....
Master handed him the enema tools, a small pail and a tampon, and told him: ok... she is yours... plug with tampons after that......
James: Sure... thanks bro....
I, still kneeling down still.... James simply push me from the back forward.. I fell forward onto the table..
Then he kicked both my legs apart in the kneeling position, placed the pail in-between...
And partial pulled down the panties from the back...POKE!!! ..... I felt a sharp and violet poke into the ass.. A sudden shock like blood rushing to the brain..... A moment of shock and frozen feeling... James administered it so fast and violently that I was not prepared for it... I have been so used to master's way of enema... Now a different way really feels different.... not as I have been conditioned to... Really new experience... and a bad one....
I instinctively screamed....
Master shouted: SHUT UP!! (turn to the crowd and continued)... guys, don't worry.. she will be punished for that... hahah...
(crowd laughed along)
I immediately forced my mouth shut... afraid and felt so humiliated in the crowd...
Feeling the liquid of the enema flowed in... and suddenly another sudden poke in!! James just push in the tampons!! another shock!!
Master may be violent... but the is James feels like mercilessly much more.....
Shock!! but now conciously sealing mouth tight!!
At this moment, the urge to release started.... Knowing the instructions, I used all my energy to hold on to it.... Enduring... Its not easy to hold on to enema... very not easy...
I could feel the crowd watching me... Waiting for me to release... Felt really like an exhibit .... But now my mind is also very tight, trying hard to hold the enema.. could not give much thought...
Force holding... Force holding.... Force........ PIAKKKKKKK.....
I released..... Could feel a release.... a relief....... And felt everything just flushed out... RELIEF....
Crowd stared..... silently...
MAster broke the silence: ONLY 1 MINUTE!!! not acceptable..... anyone want to bid again for the enema?
The crowd gave a resounding yes!
And again.... the bid started coming in... while I still helplessly kneeling, now with the pail beneath me... Waiting for new dose... of DISCOMFORT.... And the bidding process feels very WEIRD for me... felt so vulnerable and so lowly.... like a meat to be sold....
This time... Peter got the bid... for $80
Same thing.... But again, different people administer differently... NEW FORM OF SHOCK... NEW FORM OF DISCOMFORT!!
And now to endure.. FORCE HOLD AGAIN.... HOLDING>>> HOLDING...... AND RELEASE......
Felt momentary relief again... with the flushing....... and FLUSHING.....
Master remarked: WORST!!! 30 seconds this time!!! How?? Again.....
This time the crowd request for a pass..... a voice remarked: should be clean enough anyway!! Time for the real thing!!!
Master AGREES and continue: Now... Lets just do all the bids first.... then after that the CLAIM for your BID!!!
Then the bidding process started... ..
5 rounds of bid for blow jobs
1 round for PENETRATION...
1 round for me to sleep with Winner...
At this point... I was already quite worn by the release from the enema.... I could only hear lots of noise for the next 10- 15 mins.... lots of numbers been called.... and increased intensity of the AUCTION towards the end...
I hear like.. THOUSANDs.... and then something THOUSANDS again.. and keep going and going... While me helplessly kneeling down there await to serve the whoever the winners...
Then the final intense bid finally ended at $3000 by Johnny!!! He got it!! Everyone seems to congratulate him for his win.... Somewhat there is a celebratory atmosphere for awhile... Some chattering....
While I there helplessly waiting... for my fate to be used by the various winners...
Finally.... Master announced: ok!! Peter... You are the first winner for the blow job.. You can bring the slut in the room and she is yours.... remember... you have 15 mins.....
Peter's voice: Sure bro!!
Then he came to my back, forcefully pulled the back of the uniform's collar and jerked my neck and ordered me to rise and follow him...
I could only reluctantly, but visibly obedient and demourly obey and followed the instructions... We entered the room... Peter simply sit by the bedside, pulled down his pants and order me: Do your stuff slut....!
I approached him... kneeled before him and opened by mouth to approach his cock...
The cock smelled so different...!! Yucky!! Closing his cock, I instantly pull away... Just then, I felt a huge hand from the back pushing me back direct into his cock, deep into my month.. I almost choked... Feeling so dominated and helpless...
The size and smell feels so alien to me.... Also feeling so shitty about I am being sold for this service... I could only force myself not to think and keep jerking my head for my 'customer'....... Until he finally ejaculated.... His cum tasted weird and different too!! But I had for force swallow it...
Peter seems satisficed with the service... After resting awhile... He put back his pants and walked out of the room...
Not knowing what to do, I only keep kneeling at my position waiting.... still trying to acquire the new taste of cum,....
Within moments... come another man into the room,... This time, this man instructed me to take off the pants for him.. Which I obeyed accordingly... And thereafter served him with his wining blowjob, helplessly and obediently.... Forcing to endure with another new body smell
He ejaculated after awhile... feeling satisfied with the service as well... And me trying to swallow another weird musky taste from his discharge...
This continues for the third winner for blowjob...
Then the forth... By now, I almost puked from excessive deep-throating and cum swallowing... Each blowjob seems harder for me then previously... Especially when my body seems to refuse any more swallowing of more semen... And the nose feeling more repulsive to the smell of the pubic area... Like those too much of something effect...
The fifth blowhjob was really difficult.... my body was extremely tired and the 'customer's' smell seems like the strongest did not help either... Nevertheless, I forced myself to complete the job despite the struggle... Knowing that I have only one choice, to do it, if not something bad will happen...
He finally ejaculated... But this time, i accidently spill some of his cum out.. onto the uniform.. probably due to being too bloated with semen in the stomach...
And on the 'customer' side, he seems quite unsatified with the service.. He stomped out and I could hear him complaint to master saying: Why your slave do such back blowjob! have your taught her properly to jerk, she seems to jerk everywhere... up and around her throat..
Oh no.... I really did a bad job... but I really struggled because I was really tired from the previous throat jerking... I tried to jerk consistantly in-out, but because of tiredness, I moved everywhere... Did not know he took it quite badly..
I heard master replied:So sorry... She will get punished..... Don't worry, next week I will retrain her painfully... she learns fast through pain.. I guarantee that... After next week... you can come my house any time... I make sure you have your REPLACEMENT blowjob....
I felt scared again.. what painful training/punishment master going to do next week... I guess, as a slave, I just have to resort to whatever fate as result of my poor service.... Felt really degraded and really so useless and helpless...
Then I heard master: Tim! Go in and penetrate your reward...!!
Heard footsteps walking into the room.. and there, a tall and well-built man was standing.... closing the door behind him... Walked towards me and instructed me to lay on the bed.... I did as instructed... though extremely scared by now.. and not know what to expect for my first penetration by a dick..
When on the bed, master Tim immediately jumped on top of me... took off his clothes and hugged me.... Then forced his mouth onto mine to kiss me... forcing his tongue into my mouth... I struggled but relented immediately, after remembering and realizing my status as a slave now (and fearing for more punishments).. I helpless remained still, allowing him to violate the body.. He keep kissing and hugging... and kissing and hugging...
Tears really did came out of me.... but master Tim did not care... He kept me in the uniform still, after all, there are those who loves to have sex with girls in uniforms... He keep fiddling around the uniform... rubbing and fiddling the uniform around my body,...
Then at the most intense moment... Master tim pull down the panties, spread open the legs.. I felt his tip touching the entrance of my hole... He pulls open the hole with his hands and then he penetrated his erected dick into my VIRGIN hole!!!
Its really shockingly crazy!! Having first time a human flesh stuck into the hole.... I yelped!! There he began his thrusting!! It hurts initially.. Sharp hurt... But as he keep thrusting.... I began feeling numb... But instead felt as if i love master Tim kind of feeling...
Then at the right moment, I felt something warm released inside of me.... There, master Tim also stopped thrusting... Think he has released..... His body suddenly soften..... My body softened as well.... At that moment, I felt like I love master Tim kind of feeling... Felt a sudden attachment to him
(Yes... finally my virgin ass is given to a bidder, later realised the bid was $2000 over for the ass... And maybe first time got penetrated, I felt an emotional attachment to the man, but realised that as master's slave, and after few more penetration by master and various of his guest, such emotional link also being numbed..... Though over time, I will develop only emotional link to master as slave master relationship)
When Master Tim recovered... He simply instructed me to dress back the panties, and made me help him wear back his clothes.... Then he just walked out of the room satisfied, but nonchalantly... Giving to instructions to kneel and wait on the bed... I did as instructed...
Thereafter Master voice from outside: Johnny... she is all yours...!!!
Commotions being hear from the outside... very noisy as if ushering him into the room of victory,...
When master Johnny walked in... I greeted him once again while kneeling on the bed... He was quite pleased when he sees me.... Somehow, knowing that I have been sold to him to the night.. and by know after all the previous 'services rendered' I came to mentally and emotionally accept tonight I belong to him... I surrendered to him for the night... in the bed room............
............lots of physical touch on me.. ... lots of making out..... he penetrated me 3 times throughout the night..... sleeping by him whenever not doing anything.... That night, somehow, though still a slave, I felt as if I am a real girl submissively living with her man...
Somewhat felt good for that night.... that the sense of violation, sense of humiliation and lowliness seems quite distance as I served master Johnny for the night....Somehow, feels so naturally a submissive girl.......
By morning... when the alarm rings... Master Johnny wakes up, I wakes up with him... Helping him wash up and dress him up... So naturally as if he is my husband... After that, I walked him out of the room...
Master is already waiting at the living room...
Master: Hows your night?? (To Johnny)
Johnny replied: Really Great!! worth it!!
Master turned to me: You... go change out of this semen stained admin uniforms and into your maid uniform to continue your chores...
I did as instructed and before I knew it... resume my usual chores for the day in the maid uniform.... even how tired I may be..... until when I can finally turn in for the night... this time to wear back the semen-smelled-soiled admin uniforms for the night... and subsequent nights until master allows it to be washed again.....