Bathing or shower is clear no no because slaves do not deserve it.
Bathing or shower is clear no no because slaves do not deserve it.
Brushing of teeth is also a definite no.
Substitution for mouth cleaning:
Subject can only clean its mouth under 2 condition:
1. The use of mouth in service of master in whichever way.
2. Master cannot stand the breath of the subject.
(Before and after food does not entitle cleaning of mouth)
2 types of cleaning agents can be used, can also alternate between both as the master chooses:
1. Listerine
2. White vinegar (can make the subject swallow it after rinsing in it)
Subject are to put into mouth whichever the portion given and must keep rinising the mouth for at least a minute.
(The minute can be considered as a estimation game on the subject, where if the subject does not estimate the time correctly, it may be made to re-rinse again using the same liquid after spilting out)
The subject is only allowed to defecate at most once a day, it can only do it into a container/pail because it has no rights to use the luxury of a toilet bowl. Cleaning up after it may not be permissible as it is considered a luxury.
If the subject is unable to defecate during the time given to do such, no 2nd opportunity will be given for the day. Punishment may be given for such because it is simply disobedient to master given schedule- that is to defecate, also it is considered not grateful for what the master gives because the rights to defecate does not belong to the subject, but is given by the master.
During the other parts of the day, the subject may be inserted a permanent tampon to prevent unnecessary discharge from the anus. (Note safety need to replace of tampon every certain hours as per manufacturer)
Subject is not allowed to urinate unless permission is given by the master.
If there is a need, subject are to respectivefully ask the master for permission to do it.
Urinate are to be done into a container/pail because it has no rights to use the luxury of a toilet bowl. Urine may be collected for the subject to drink it again if it is not too yellowish.
If permission is not granted, the subject is to hold on until permission is given. Failure to hold the urine and leakage will result in serious punishment as it soils what belongs to the master- which is the panties and the body of the subject, after all, everything with regard to the subject belongs to the master.
Uniform (Clothing)
Bra: There is only 1 set of bra which the subject wears throughout
There is 2 sets of panties available for the subject, the 1st set is called the base panty which the subject will have to wear most of the time, the only other place of the base panty is in the subject's mouth. The subject's mouth also act as the 'washing machine' for the based panty if it is badly soiled.
During such time, the subject may be made to wear the 2nd set.
2nd set of panty may also be used when the subject is made to be close contact with the master and that the first set is too smelly to be near the master. However, after such close session with master, the subject must wear back the base panty.
Sometimes, the subject may also be made to wear the 2nd panty over the base panty for whichever reasons the master sees fit.
Base uniform: subject will be wearing the base uniform throughout the session, foot wear must always be on, only alternate between high heels and school shoes with socks. Heels are for day time and serving the master, schools are for sleeping and night time or informal timing. Master shall decide on the timing of which foot wear the subject to wear.
The subject is not allowed to remove,alter or adjust the entire set of uniform and must be on the full set of uniform at all time. Remove,alter or adjusting of the STANDARD BASED uniform is a serious offence and will be serverely punished
The subject is not allowed to remove,alter or adjust the entire set of uniform and must be on the full set of uniform at all time. Remove,alter or adjusting of the STANDARD BASED uniform is a serious offence and will be serverely punished
Additional uniform:
During serving of master or need for close proximity to the master, if the uniform gets to smelly, the subject at time may be made to put on another set of uniform only for such occasions, so as not to discomfort the master's nose.
Additional uniform are usually more formal looking with tie and/or pencil skirt design OR same design as base uniform
Master may choose either:
1. Made the subject wear the additional uniform over the base uniform (advisable as it may increase the discomfort to subject); this is possible if the additional uniform design cover the entire base uniform OR subject only wear part of the base uniform under the ADDITIONAL uniform.
One example is for pinafore blouse combination:
a. subject to remove outer pinafore, leaving only the base blouse
b. made to wear the ADDITIONAL uniform blouse over the base uniform blouse, then the pinafore (part of the additional uniform) over
c. Subject may be made to wear the uniform tie as well
2. Force the subject to entirely change to the additional uniform during such session. After such sessions, the subject must be made to wear back the base uniform.
Additional uniform are usually more formal looking with tie and/or pencil skirt design OR same design as base uniform
Master may choose either:
1. Made the subject wear the additional uniform over the base uniform (advisable as it may increase the discomfort to subject); this is possible if the additional uniform design cover the entire base uniform OR subject only wear part of the base uniform under the ADDITIONAL uniform.
One example is for pinafore blouse combination:
a. subject to remove outer pinafore, leaving only the base blouse
b. made to wear the ADDITIONAL uniform blouse over the base uniform blouse, then the pinafore (part of the additional uniform) over
c. Subject may be made to wear the uniform tie as well
2. Force the subject to entirely change to the additional uniform during such session. After such sessions, the subject must be made to wear back the base uniform.
Being in clean clothing is NOT something that the subject deserves. Despite this, the subject is to make all efforts to ensure the base uniform is always neat and clean as it belongs to the master. The subject must always look presentable to the master in the uniforms.
Despite it being impossible to maintain in such condition because of sweat, all the chores the subject must perform and whatever that is being done on the subject, dirtying or making the uniform smelly (even sweating in the uniforms) will result in accumulated serious punishment because the subject is showing disrespect to the master by dirtying the master's things.
In event of accidental urinating in the uniforms causing smelly urine smell over prolonged period, if the master cannot take such smell, the subject may be made to undergo superficial spray cleaning.
This is done where the subject, while in uniform will be sprayed with water on the affected area to wash away the urine smell. After that, subject continue with any routine in the partially wet uniform. This is a privilege given to the subject- removing of stench, although it is mainly for the master's nose. But subject must definitely pay for such privilege with heavy punishments.
Alternate reality-if lifetime
Subject is only allowed to shower once a week but still subject to master's permission and that week performance.
Master can withhold shower indefinitely according to his pleasure (however the issue will be that the subject may be too smelly for the master's pleasure if it is too long not shower)
Shower is only basic shower in cold water and miminium soaping, and capped at 5-10 mins of time..
Base uniform change (means the one that the subject will be in for most time, eg sleep in, admin time, chores etc) may be washed or changed once fortnightly.
Washing of the uniform are only basic washing and must be fully starched and ironed to ensure maximum discomfort on the subject. Whole procedure are to be done within 5 hours.
Washing is inevitable should be done by the subject and during this time be in a substitute uniform of equal degrading status.
Washing usually coincide with subject showering regime.
Master can extend the duration between wash in accordance to his pleasure.
Alternate reality-if lifetime
Subject is only allowed to shower once a week but still subject to master's permission and that week performance.
Master can withhold shower indefinitely according to his pleasure (however the issue will be that the subject may be too smelly for the master's pleasure if it is too long not shower)
Shower is only basic shower in cold water and miminium soaping, and capped at 5-10 mins of time..
Base uniform change (means the one that the subject will be in for most time, eg sleep in, admin time, chores etc) may be washed or changed once fortnightly.
Washing of the uniform are only basic washing and must be fully starched and ironed to ensure maximum discomfort on the subject. Whole procedure are to be done within 5 hours.
Washing is inevitable should be done by the subject and during this time be in a substitute uniform of equal degrading status.
Washing usually coincide with subject showering regime.
Master can extend the duration between wash in accordance to his pleasure.
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