After doing a lot of readings about slavery, I realized that most of the idea of slavery comes with the idea that the subject being naked as the most degrading form of treatment. Realized many 'international masters' I chatted with also seems to like their slaves being naked.
However, somehow, this concept of nakedness does not click with me despite much discussion with many people. It somehow does not feel like it is what they seems to perceive as humiliation or some form of degrading to me. I just cannot identify with it.
For me, being inclined towards being a slave, naturally, my fantasy is more being in discomfort, humiliation and degraded feel when I am finally enslaved by a like-minded master. And for that, being a naked slave is definitely what I just cannot identify with. Somehow, I perceived being naked as enjoyment more than that of a suffering.
Why do I say that? Maybe it is because of the climate by which I am born and grow up in, tropical Singapore with constantly high temperature and humility, where sweating and unpleasant body odours occurs easily doing my schooling years. Going home from schools will guarantee sweat as we walk under the every scorching hot sun. Hence, usually upon reaching home, we will quickly removed our starchy uniform and walk around the house half naked, exposing the body to the environment.
Also, we grow up in the country where most kids learn to swim in open-aired public pools where we are almost naked except for a small pair of V-shaped trunks (very popular when young, unlike now most kids wear wet-suit for swimming). This was the more common recreational and affordable activities for kids growing up in this country. Somehow, we spend most times already in close to naked state.
To add-on, being in a country where the law is so conservative against body exposure, somehow, being naked registered more of 'the wrong thing to do' than degraded state. Somehow, because of that, whenever there are private moments, we tend to go full naked at home, which is definitely very comfortable in this hot and humid climate.
And such, in my vanilla life, being naked in private, other than in toilet, is very common as long as I am locked up in my room or no one else at home. I also tend to sleep half-naked, and sometimes in the middle of the night I instinctively even removed my pants if it gets too hot. Ended up sleeping more comfortably naked.
In our country where most males have to serve the military, our toilets are also opened concept toilets where we shower naked standing along the row of showers. Its like normal to us, and there don't seems to have any shame as what most international practitioner described. Being naked is somewhat second nature to me.
To be naked is somehow like norm to me where I am and somehow is more comfortable state to be in owing to the weather. Maybe this is why I just cannot relate to being a naked slave.
Hence, I developed a mindset of being in slave uniform having the connotation of degradation, humiliation, uncomfortable and suffering for slave to be in. Of cause, there are some criteria that my imagination has developed over the years in order that a 'slave uniform' can truly serve its purpose on a unworthy slave. These criteria cannot fulfill on its own, most of them require the implementation of the master for it to work.
The more self-explanatory criteria are:
- the uniform must at least look uncomfortable to be in, complicated (better if difficult) to wear or remove
- the uniform must be made of materials that most people find it uncomfortable to be in
However, what makes a slave uniform truly is because of master's rules on it:
1. Slave will only be given ONLY 1 full set of uniform to be worn for all times, including sleeping, doing housework and all other matters.
1a. Only article that the slave is allowed to change is the panties. BUT only rotate between 2 pieces
2. Slave must be in the full and proper uniforms at all times.
2a Slave is to make sure the uniform remain neat at all times.
2c. If any part of the uniform goes out of place or that there are modification of any part of the slave stipulated uniform will be considered very serious crime.
3. Slave does not entitle to any form of hygiene, including bathing and brushing of teeth
3a. However, slave will be given specific timeslot to urinate and defecate
3b. Accidental urination or defecation is considered very serious crime, this include doing these outside the timeslot.
3c. Slave will only be cleaned when need to be be used for the master's pleasure.
I will further elaborate on the execution of the rules, so that it can become the ultimate suffering for the slave, just because of the uniform.
First, the uniform is meant to constantly remind the slave of its status on the slave. It is a physically piece of item perpetually labeled on it. And of cause, if the uniform is multi-layered (eg pinafore), tight and restrictive, it simply be just uncomfortable to be in. Additionally, the uniform may include a tie or bow-tie to add to the restrictiveness over the neck region Also, formal jackets may be added to ensure that the slave is always feeling hot and sweaty.
Uniform can be treated for added discomfort such as thick starching to stiffen it before using it on the slave.
Sidetrack: Most reader, would have known that I am particularly inclined to school uniforms as slave uniform, which I will explain later why, but of cause, I have fantasy of other uniforms as well such as maid uniforms etc, as long as it somehow gives a degrading status (socially) and uncomfortable to be in.
It is usually bearable to be in this kind of clothing for a few hours or up to a day. However, for a slave to be in it perpetually will definitely not be a nice thing. Good thing about it is the discomfort level will keep increasing progressive as the slave start sweating in the uniform as it goes about doing its chores. Stuffy and sticky and restrictive.
When it is time to sleep, being in such clothing, is definitely not something someone wants to sleep in at night. Sleeping will surely be extremely uncomfortable to be in, coupled with constant sweating, which also contribute to the added discomfort of the clothing. It is like a toxic cycle where the uniform will be more and more uncomfortable to be in over time, until it will become super unbearable.
Reason that the can rotate between 2 panties is definitely not to help ease some uncomfort from the slave. It is for the opposite purpose. Reason for that is that by 2-3 days, the entire uniform of the slave will start to stink terribly. The panty, being always 'marinated' by the body's warmth plus any residual fluid from that region will be the most stinky of all, also the most dirty of all places. However, that region is also the region where the master desires to use the slave at times, and being the master's property has still got to be safe for the master's use. This, hopefully explains the change of the panties, more of for master's safety.
Change of panties does not come easy for the slave, which may occur every 3-4 days, accordance to the master's preference. Soiled panties are to be washed by the slave's mouth until it is sufficiently deemed clean. Master may add vinegar into the mouth during washing, This cleaning process may take up to 1 hour before the panties can be well washed by the mouth's saliva. When the panty is considered washed, the master may choose to make the slave wear back the panties, or leave it to dry for the next rotation, or even made the slave wear double layer panties, where the panties will rotate between the inner layer and outer layer panties during each rotation cycle.
In terms of urinating and defecation, slave is allowed to do it, mostly into potty instead of directly into the panty is also mainly to protect the master's safety for use of that region. However, residual fuilds or particles will still occur, which further reason the need to 'wash' the panty occasionally.
If the activity is intense on the slave on the first day (which expect on the slave), be in in terms of chores, service to master, punishment or any other possible treatment, the uniform would have been very obviously uncomfortable on the slave by the 2nd day, from the tightness, restrictiveness, sweat and sticky and of cause the smell. Which comes to the tricky part..
First, the smell is only for slave to endure, not the master. So why must the master even smell a terrible slave. Isn't this become a reversal?
In fact, there is a solution to this, which will be explained in a few levels.
a. If the slave is on its own, example locked in isolation or cage etc, this is not a problem.
b. If the slave is alone, but is tasked to do housework, where there is possible contact on the master's property, potentially dirtying them, master can either made the slave wear an additional apron with gloves while doing such housework, not to protect the slave, but to protect the household items from the dirty slave. Better still to add discomfort is for the slave to put on another layer of uniform over the actual uniform. This definitely add discomfort while doing chores and may cause more sweating as well.
Sidetrack: The another layer of uniform will be called 'service uniform'
c. However, if the master is around, and that the smell is still not strong, master may choose make the slave to put on another layer of uniform over the actual uniform, this outer layer uniform may be well sprayed with strong feminine perfume (fragrance is according to master's liking). This keeps the air around the master pleasant which also keep the smell within the slave, which when placed back on its own, will have to continue to endure the miserable uniform, which is also smelly.
d. The last case is where the slave has to be close contact to the master or if there is a party where the slave is required to serve the guests. Slaves will be a disgrace to the master if it is upfront unpleasant to the guest nose. Or that the master do not like to touch dirty and smelly slaves. Which leads to the exception to the rules.
This exception is of cause to clean out the slave for the pleasure of the master or serving at parties. It is also not meant as a reprieve, but more of fulfilling the role of the slave. The uniform part will to worst thereafter, which will be explained later.
So, when need to clean the slave, the master will finally order the slave to strip out of the uniform completely. As mentioned, if it is sufficiently complicated, removing it will require some effort. But the slave will still thought that it will be a relief from the terrible uniform. Slave will be instructed to fold the uniform with all the accessories as instructed by the master and placed into a bag.
Here, the dirty panties may be touching the bra, or smelly socks in contact with the dress etc. And when placed in the bag, the smell will be marinated further.
The naked slave will be washed down accordingly and applied with fragrant lotions (to add to stickyness when wear back the uniform) in preparation for the master.
Slave will be made to wear the service uniform (this uniform will usually look very formal like with tight skirt with long sleeve, well buttoned to the top, and also definitely uncomfortable) to serve the guest for the party, or be dressed in whatever the master's decide if in direct service to him.
Depending on the nature of the activity, master will decide that the slave remain in this clothing after that or be made to change back to it's slave uniform. For example, if the slave is participating in party where it has to perform blow jobs for all the guest resulting in the 'service uniform' badly soiled by semen, the master may choose to make the slave sleep over night in the service uniform first.
Sidenote: Sometimes of it is a blowjob party, the slave may be made to wear the slave uniform to perform such job or merely having another layer of uniform to mask the smell.
When the master decides for the slave to change back, the slave are to totally stripe out before changing back to the slave uniform. If the slave is dirtied from whatever activities, it cannot clean out at this moment because there is no more need to close contact to master.
When the bag containing the slave uniform is opened, by now the uniform would be more smelly from the marination. the slave, at this moment have to wear back its uniform, thought of it will be mentally torture to the slave as well as going back to the uncomfortable uniform.
Such is the life and future of the slave that it is forever condemned into a uniform that label its degraded status, constantly reminding it because it is always on the slave, and forever having to deal with the uncomfortable, restrictively and unbearable physical feeling of the uniform, not being able to change out of it. Even with apparent temporary reprieve of it that the slave must still return to the dreaded slave uniform eventually.
This, somehow seems more torturous, and cruel than being naked, especially in this climate.
Some glossary:
Service uniform: usually a 1 piece dress uniform that can be worn over the slave or be easily changed into. This is what we nicknamed as 'service (additional) uniform'. The name itself explains alot.
The slave uniform is surely going to become very sweaty and smelly, which is definitely not acceptable and will render SERIOUS punishment for soiling the uniform, but we do not want to ignore the possibility. So as the name suggest, when comes a time when the slave uniform gets too smelly or dirty for the master and when the slave need to perform services (eg. being a chair for master, service him in close proximity etc) Master can be ordered to either change to 'service uniform' or wear it over the set 1 to cover the dirt and smell so that I will not offend or discomfort my master.
Afterall, the do not deserve any comfort, likewise, the master deserves full comfort!
Sharing why I am particularly inclined to school uniforms as slave uniform.