Cling wrap
Cable tie
1-2 Short length of PVC hose as feeding and breathing tube.. about 10-15 cm is ideal
Blind fold (optional)
Preparation for mummification
Force feed the subject to drink as much water as possible
As mummification restrict the subject naturally, like legs will be close together when wrapped tight enough, there is no need to further tie the subject. The only area to tie the subject is the hands. even for this, the tying will be minimal. Tying hand is because after cling wrap, the subject can move it hands around in the wrap. That is certainly not what the master would like. When wrapped the master will surely want to make sure the subject looks as pleasing to his eyes in the wrap, so arm folded is not an option.
A simple yet effective and presentable way is by cable tying both the thumbs of the subject together at the front of the body.. Both the hands must be downwards with the palm facing the body.. This will create the effect that the hands are placed together in a girly manner just right around the abdomen area when in wrap. It also ensures that the hands are well restricted in the wrap.
As for preparation for breathing in the wrap, insert the tube about 5cm into the mouth.. The master can choose 1 or 2 tubes for insertion.. To make sure the tube is securely positioned, The master can duct tape the tube around the mouth of the subject.
Wrapping process
For a good wrap, it is important to make sure the initial wrap is continuous without a cut.. For that to happen, the master can choose to wrap top down or bottom up... Whatever the method, it is important that the master must pull the cling wrap while wrapping to ensure the wrap is tight and secure.
For bottom up:
Make the subject sit down on a chair or edge of bed and make the subject lift up the legs and be close together.. This is where the wrapping begins, the master will wrap around the base of the feet and around the feet region few times (with the footwear on if the subject is to be wrapped in it).
After the feet is well wrapped, the subject will be instructed to stand up straight. There the master will wrap round the legs and slowly upwards with whatever the subject wearing being wrapped in as well in one smooth motion round the subject..
When it reached the body region, subject is instructed to keep the hands as close to the sides as possible and the palm opened up and hardly placed on the abdomen while the cable tie is on.. (Cable tie on the thumb will be on permenantly throughout the mummification)... The wrap will continue upward until the head region..
At the head region, the wrap will continue to go round the heard, taking care to ensure the wrap is well wrapped around the tube but not cover it... At the head, the master will wrap around the top of the head as well..
For additional security, the master can continue the wrapping back downwards until the body region before ending the wrap.. Cling wrap can easily be cut at the end of the wrap just by pulling...
Top down:
Top down is mostly the reverse of the bottom up...
Playing on the subject
If the master desires to play on the subject while in wrap, he will just cut the area where he wants to play on.. There he will do whatever he wishes on the subject.
Patching up of holes..
To patch hole in the wrap, the master must use the wrap round the body of the subject around the hole region.. It is important to note, despite the sticking property of the wrap, using a small patch of wrap to cover the hole will not work.. The wrap must be wrapped round the subject!
Duration of the mummification
Because this is a prolong agony, mummification for the sleeping time is best because is long period.. However, the master must ensure that throughout the wrap to force feed a lot water into the subject whenever he seems fit.. alternatively, the master can connect a water bag to the mouth of the subject to ensure it is always supplied with water. Instructions can also be given that the water must be finished drinking by specific time. Master is to ensure that the subject still can breathe with another tube when there is water bag connected.
If placing the subject in horizontal position, it is important to position the body at a slight angle. Complete flat position may cause chokage when fed or after feeding. If slight angle is not possible, at least 2 pillows are placed below the head to arch it up slightly...
Breathing holes must not be blocked or too long
Subject cannot be left alone in wrap while the master is out, master must be at least around in case the subject make noise for help.. However, help due to discomfort will be ignored and due punishment will be meted for disturbing the master unnecessarily.